World Water Day: 8 Ways Healthy Soil Protects Water Use
In 1993, the United Nations created World Water Day to shine a light on the importance of addressing water-related challenges, and since then, it has been celebrated every March 22. As we approach World Water Day, it’s more important than ever to focus on solutions that improve water retention in soil and address the global water crisis.
How does the water crisis impact the agriculture industry?
The water crisis in America is hitting agriculture hard, especially in drought-prone states like California and Arizona. It has made it even more difficult for growers to access and manage water efficiently.
A few of the ways the water crisis impacts growers include:
- Scarcity & drought: Many regions are experiencing reduced water availability due to prolonged droughts and overuse of groundwater.
- Regulations & costs: Water rights, restrictions, and increasing costs make access to water more complicated and expensive.
- Quality issues: Salinity, contamination, and pH imbalances in water can affect soil health and crop productivity.
- Inefficiency: Traditional irrigation methods can lead to runoff, evaporation, and poor water retention in the soil.
- Climate variability: Unpredictable rainfall patterns make it difficult to plan and optimize water use.
Thankfully, there’s still good news.
Healthy soil can help growers conserve water and use it more efficiently.
“The role of water in soil health has changed dramatically over the years,” said Amy Rial, senior agricultural researcher for MyLand. “Historically, soil has been able to adapt to droughts and floods, but with climate change, soil can no longer support those fluctuations, and its ability to hold moisture has declined. The rain is running off of the soil, and when that happens, the microbes in the soil are not getting the water they need. This causes the soil to degrade, which impacts all growers.”
Healthy soil can make a big difference in water quality and availability in our world. In this post, we will explore eight ways healthy soil can contribute to smarter agricultural water use and help protect our environment.
#1: Healthy soil improves water retention and reduces runoff
According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, for every 1% increase in soil health and soil organic matter (or SOM), an acre of soil can hold up to 20,000 additional gallons of water, significantly improving water retention in soil and reducing runoff. This improved infiltration makes water more available to crops when they need it most.
“Soil structure plays a critical role in how water is absorbed and stored,” says Greg Selby, MyLand’s senior strategist, grower support and education. “Where soil has a healthy mix of humus and sand, rainwater is quickly absorbed into the ground, filtering through bedrock and recharging groundwater supplies.”
However, in areas like Arizona, where soils have little organic matter and are primarily composed of clay and sand with a dense calcium layer, water penetration is minimal.
“In Arizona, where soil organic matter is only around 1-2%, rainwater often has nowhere to go, leading to pooling and flash flooding,” Greg continued. “But when soil has more organic matter, it acts as a sponge, allowing water to move up and down through the soil profile. This not only prevents runoff but also provides long-term water storage.”
The benefits of increased soil organic matter go beyond immediate water retention. As the topsoil dries out, stored water can percolate back up into the root zone, sustaining plants during dry periods. This natural water regulation reduces reliance on irrigation and helps mitigate the effects of drought.
By improving soil health, growers can enhance their land’s ability to retain moisture, leading to better crop resilience and more sustainable water use.
#2: Healthy soil leads to smart water use
Healthy soil holds onto more water, helping farmers conserve resources and sustain crops – even in dry conditions. This is because healthy soil, by definition, has a lot of soil organic matter (or SOM) as part of it. SOM refers to the amount of life in soil (more on that later).
“The more life you have in the soil, the more water it can absorb,” said Greg. Healthy soil teems with life, from plants to microorganisms, all of which plays a critical role in water absorption and retention.
Soil structure & water movement
Healthy soil has stable aggregates and continuous pore spaces that allow water to move efficiently. The right texture enables rapid water infiltration, which reduces runoff, conserves water and sustains crops during drought conditions. In fact, according to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, coarse soils with organic matter can achieve infiltration rates over 2 inches per hour.
When soil structure is optimized, water moves freely through the soil profile, preventing waterlogging and surface crusting — both of which can hinder plant growth.
Soil aggregation & organic matter
Soil aggregation plays a key role in water absorption. “Think of soil like a sponge,” said Greg. “If the particles are tightly packed, there’s less space to hold water. But when soil has more organic matter (like worms that snake through), it creates pores between particles that allow water to filter through and be stored for later use.”
These air pockets not only improve water retention but also allow roots to access moisture even during dry periods. Organic matter further enhances water-holding capacity — bacteria produce carbon dioxide, forming tiny air bubbles that maintain soil porosity, while worms create tunnels that enhance water movement.
Water quality & soil life
Healthy soil doesn’t just hold water — it filters it. “Soil organisms like microalgae and fungi play a crucial role in filtering water and replenishing aquifers,” said Kris Nichols, PhD, MyLand’s Principal Scientist. As water moves through soil, microbes help break down pollutants before they reach groundwater.
By fostering microbial life and organic matter, growers can improve water use, maximize water absorption and storage, and build more resilient soils.
#3: Healthy soil helps conserve water and reduce irrigation costs
Improved water retention extends irrigation cycles, cutting costs and conserving water. With more moisture held longer, farmers water less often, reducing evaporation and boosting efficiency.
“If you rely on irrigation water, especially in places like Arizona, you’re using water that’s already filled with salts and nutrients from previous use,” Greg said. “That salt buildup can harm soil life, creating a vicious cycle where more irrigation leads to further soil degradation.”
When less water is applied, salts can accumulate in the soil. This compounds the issue of water use over time as it forces farmers to use even more water later to prevent soil degradation, creating a cycle of increased water demand despite efforts to conserve.
#4: Healthy soil reduces runoff and protects against flooding
Farmers invest millions of dollars on installing drainage systems to prevent flooding and standing water from damaging their plant roots. When excess moisture saturates the root zone, it can lead to rot and diminished yields.
Healthy soils enhance drainage, reduce runoff, prevent erosion, and recharge groundwater. All of these benefits lead to a reduced need for costly infrastructure and more resilient agricultural and water systems overall.
When soil efficiently absorbs water, less runoff occurs, which minimizes flooding and valuable topsoil from being carried away. Runoff and erosion deplete the land of its most fertile layers, so conserving these efforts is a boon for farmers.
By reducing runoff, farmers also decrease sedimentation in rivers and lakes, protecting aquatic habitats and clearer waterways. Preventing soil erosion keeps farmland productive while supporting healthier ecosystems downstream.
By prioritizing soil health, farmers can mitigate flooding and erosion, protect their land, and contribute to more stable water systems for the future.
#5: Healthy soil prevents nutrient leaching
Fertilizing land only for nutrients to wash away isn’t just frustrating and costly for growers, it’s damaging for the environment.
When soil has a stable structure with good aggregation and rich in organic matter, it has the conditions to hold onto nutrients. By keeping nutrients in the root zone, rather than them being washed away by rain or irrigation, agricultural runoff and pollution are reduced. Plus, farmers get their money’s worth of valuable nutrients.
Organic matter and microbes can then do their jobs: delivering those nutrients where plants need it most. Organic matter enhances microbial activity, which further aids in nutrient cycling. Meanwhile, microbes help break down organic material, releasing essential nutrients that plants need to thrive.
“Anytime you have salt in the soil and water running over it, it rinses it out,” Greg said. “If you’re applying fertilizers, especially with conventional methods, much of that nitrogen gets washed away before plants can use it. With tariffs driving up fertilizer costs, growers need to maximize efficiency. Otherwise, you’re spending $20 an acre on fertilizer, only for it to run off into streams, harming fish and ecosystems. The more we can reduce this loss, the better.”
#6: Healthy soil increases crop resilience
Plants can become stressed for many reasons—too much water from flooding or too little from drought.
When soil has good water retention, it protects crops against drought stress and fluctuations in water availability. This allows them to grow more steadily and produce better yields.
Meanwhile, a thriving soil microbiome helps plants access essential nutrients more efficiently. This supports root growth and nutrient uptake, leading to stronger, more resilient crops.
“When plants don’t get enough water, they go into stress mode, shrinking their stems and reducing growth,” Greg said, “but if soil organic matter helps maintain a stable water supply, those stress responses don’t need to happen. That leads to healthier plants and improved crop quality overall.”
#7: Healthy soil saves growers money
As we recognize World Water Day 2025, it’s clear that improving soil health can help growers reduce water and input expenses.
When soil retains moisture effectively, less irrigation is required, leading to significant cost savings especially in regions where water use is restricted or expensive. Additionally, when growers need to irrigate less frequently, they can conserve water for later in the season. That way they can ensure a more reliable water supply when it’s most needed.
Healthier soil with good structure and biology leads to soil naturally providing nutrients and retaining water. This means farms with healthier soil can reduce reliance on costly amendments and remediation over time.
Better water retention also leads to more stable growing conditions, reducing plant stress and improving yields. With less water stress, crops grow stronger and produce higher-quality yields.
This combination of lower costs and improved crop quality makes soil health a valuable long-term investment for growers.
#8: Healthy soil protects the environment
Soil plays a big role in our environment. It filters pollutants, replenishes aquifers, and sequesters carbon from the atmosphere.
Filtering pollutants
By reducing runoff, soils prevent contaminants from entering waterways, protecting both human and environmental health. Runoff can carry excess nutrients, pesticides, and other pollutants into streams and drinking water sources. Preventing nutrient leaching and pollution is essential to maintaining long-term sustainability and safeguarding the environment for future generations.
Replenishing aquifers
Healthy soils play a crucial role in replenishing aquifers by allowing water to filter through and slowly seep into the ground. This process helps recharge underground water supplies, ensuring a steady source of freshwater.
Sequestering carbon
Healthy soils hold onto a remarkable amount of carbon. This carbon sequestration helps to mitigate to climate change by capturing and storing atmospheric carbon in the soil, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Healthy soil is a crucial water management tool that benefits growers, communities, and the environment. By improving soil health, we can enhance water retention, reduce runoff, and create a more sustainable agricultural system.
Want to learn more about soil health and how it can help conserve water? Visit MyLand to explore solutions for healthier, more resilient soils that support growers and the environment.